A Hidden Life
Biography Drama Romance War
Based on the true story of Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian farmer who refuses to swear allegiance to Adolph Hitler and the Nazis during World War II.
"A Hidden Life" is a spiritual and immersive portrait of one man's conscientious defiance in the face of state fascism. The film serves as a poetic introspection about doing what's right despite the risk, posing difficult questions about the morality of sacrifice and the merit of individual acts of resistance. It's a message that is as pertinent today as it was in the 1930s. Some sequences may feel unnecessary or repetitive amongst the lengthy runtime, but the director's beautifully impressionistic storytelling still manages to resonate on a deeply profound level. An extraordinary life.
Andrew O'DeaLimited Release 30th January 2020
Walt Disney Studios 174 mins