MIFF: Little Richard: I Am Everything
Biography LBGTQIA+ Music
The music and influence of Richard Wayne Penniman, better known as Little Richard, on the world of rock 'n' roll.
Rhythm and blues had a baby, and it became this great ball of fire. Like many pioneers of rock 'n' roll, our protagonist was black and queer, and nothing if not loud and proud. This documentary interviews many contemporary musicians who were influenced by the fiery loudmouth who called himself the emancipator and architect of modern music. The focus is on his musical career and struggle for mainstream recognition, in a period where others covering his songs were commercially rewarded before he was. Knowing he was too much for some was insufficient to dampen him down. Wop bop a loo bop a lop bom bom.
Anne MurphyMIFF 2023
101 mins